Amazingly, ESD is an encryption process that can reduce a 3GB size file to.. 1,7GB (this happened to me with some Windows 10 ESD files). This saves a lot download time and network data, but it's a con: so you can manage this encrypted files, you will need to convert it back to ISO, a process that may take several minutes - 10 to 15 minutes.
In this post I will explain step by step how to do it by using a simple tool - that for some users will be at least weird because is a cmd program, but keep calm it's very simple to deal with :)
What do you need?
First of all, and logically, you need an ESD file. Place it on a easy access path
Second, you need to download the tool I mentioned above. Download it here
Ok, what's next?
After you extract the rar file you downloaded, you will find a decrypt.cmd. Right-click on it an Run as administrator
Now, you need to past the full path of the file, without quotes ""
You can deal with this many ways
- You can move the esd file to a easy and short path (C:\Example) and rename it to example.esd. In this case, you can manually type on console C:\Example\example.esd and hit Enter and go to the next step.
- Another way of doing this, which is valid on any Windows OS, is right-clicking on the esd file, go to Properties, and on the Security tab, you can select the full path and copy it (Control + C or right-click and copy).
- Another way of doing this, which is valid on any Windows OS, is right-clicking on the esd file, go to Properties, and on the Security tab, you can select the full path and copy it (Control + C or right-click and copy).
Back to the console, on Windows 10 you can use your keys Control+V. On older Windows versions, you can click the icon on the top, Edit and Paste
Once you pasted the path, or written it manually, press Enter key
You will have a couple of options here. We want to convert a full media boot encrypted in ESD to ISO, you select the option 1
Next, prepare your coffee or tea, take a sit and relax while the tool works.
When you get the message Done on the console, you can close it.
Where is my ISO file?
By default, the program place it under the path where decrypt.cmd file is. In my case, it is located on C:\Users\Tsunami\Downloads\ESD_to_Iso and there it is my ISO file too.