On this tutorial I won't make use of any cracks, will be as simple as using a serial number.
So, let's move on. If you don't have Recuva installed yet, you can download the Standard (the free version) directly from Piriform website. Click here
Be careful during installation so you don't install any unwanted software. For example, during setup I was asked to install CCleaner. This is just a small tip.
Once Recuva is installed, ignore the first steps for recovering files. When Recuva is installed, go to Options < About and click Upgrade to Pro.
Before you enter any Name/Serial, make sure you disconnect from Internet. On Name field, you can type anything you want. On Serial box enter one of the following
- RK98-JXU8-43FB-UGQZ-444C
- RK98-Q4JY-BS5M-9KKH-A44C
- RK98-VZPF-NJ64-Y43C-K44C
- RK98-58SB-XAVK-GN74-I44C
That is it!
from http://bit.ly/1i1trix