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Title: Windows 10 RTM
Author: Unknown
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This is an exciting month for all Windows fans with the release of the promising Windows 10. With the new Microsoft OS's signing off 29t...
This is an exciting month for all Windows fans with the release of the promising Windows 10. With the new Microsoft OS's signing off 29th July and after several months of build tests inside and outside the Redmond walls, the OS is "completed" this week. This means no more features will be added, the structure of the OS is mainly done. Although, Windows 10 is not done at all; it's necessary to do some tweaks, polish some corners and fix some instability issues that may be found at any moment and so, Microsoft will release another build for insiders besides we must get the RTM this or later next week. This is crucial to catch the most bugs as possible and Microsoft is working hard as they reported to be fixing 300 bugs per day. In spite of this, there a lot of complaints about the apps layout such Windows Store or Settings. It is going to be interesting to see how Microsoft will handle this because more than layout there a couple of bugs on the built-in Universal Apps. Perhaps, I believe this is something that Microsoft will work on after RTM release, as apps they can be updated at any time through the Windows Update, which is good.

What is coming in the next build for Insiders?
As I mentioned, a new build was promised for this week. As a prediction, I think we may get build 10164 or 10166.

Release date for RTM
Microsoft is aiming to sign off on the RTM build on July 9. Perhaps, Microsoft will also release a new build for Insiders this week which raise some doubts about this date. This is just my point of view of course, but I think would make sense Microsoft release build 10164/10166 today (July 7) or later tomorrow and push the RTM on Monday July 12. According with some sources day 12 is also pointed as the RTM sign off day. However, we can't forget that Microsoft last week released 3 builds in four days, so why not release build for insiders today and RTM July 9?!
As there is no official confirmation this is just speculation.

RTM is showing up on Microsoft Database!!!
Last days Canary Ring stop receiving builds, but Microsoft Database continuous to get refreshed with new builds for various branches. There is lab branch named 'th1' which extends to Threshold 1, the codename of Windows 10. According with trust sources this branch might be related with Windows 10 RTM and it got some builds these days. In other words the RTM has been compiled and next days may get revisions (and so it's recompiled). Below is the log...

Build version Date
10176.16384.150705-1526 6th July
10176.16384.150705-0552 5th July
10163.0.150701-1220 1st/2nd July

from http://bit.ly/1gkWAEG

