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Title: Rockstar is Investigating Reports of PC Performance Issues in GTA V
Author: Unknown
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Patch related woes It's been a tough stretch for PC gamers lately. First Warner Bros. decided to pull Batman: Arkham Knight from Stea...

Patch related woes


It's been a tough stretch for PC gamers lately. First Warner Bros. decided to pull Batman: Arkham Knight from Steam after numerous reports of performance issues, then Square Enix followed suit by yanking the Mac version of Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn from store shelves due to "various problems." Now there are reports of performance issues in Grand Theft Auto V after applying the latest PC patch, Title Update 1.28.

It's not entirely clear what's going on, though initial evidence points some anti-modding and anti-hacking mechanisms Rockstar Games applied via patch 1.28. The creators of the LCPDFR mod for GTA V posted an potential explanation on Facebook describing the technical details.

"In the latest update for GTA V, Ill Gotten Gains Part 2, Rockstar Games strengthened their protections against modding introduced in the first update. Included in this was a whopping 3 MB of junk code designed to confuse modders," the post explained. "Instead of the native functions of the game being accessible directly - we now have to jump through 4 or 5 hoops each time, as the game also implements live decryption and obfuscation methods. This severely impacts performance, resulting in gameplay at 3 frames per second - even on some of the strongest PC systems available today."

That might be the case, though according to Express, the degradation in performance is affecting both players with and without mods installed. The good news is, Rockstar Games is aware of the complaints and is looking into things.

"We have received reports of lower framerate in GTA V and GTA Online after Title Update 1.28 on PC, and we are looking into these reports now. If you would like to receive an automatic email notification as soon as there is more information, please log into the Support Site and click Subscribe at the top of this page," Rockstar stated today in a support document.

The latest patch follows a ramped up effort on Rockstar's part to "combat cheating and griefing."

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