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Title: Warner Releases PC Patch for Batman: Arkham Knight, "Significant" Work Remains
Author: Unknown
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Fixing a broken bat Having gone up against Gotham's most ruthless thugs, who knew that mere bugs would ultimately present the biggest ...

Fixing a broken bat

Batman Arkham Knight

Having gone up against Gotham's most ruthless thugs, who knew that mere bugs would ultimately present the biggest challenge for Batman? There were so many performance crippling issues in the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight that publisher Warner Bros. made the call to pull the title from Steam until developer Rocksteady can stomp them all out (or at least most of them). When will that be?

Your guess is as good as hours. As of this weekend, the first of what will probably be several patches was released. Here are the things it addresses:

  • Fixed a crash that was happening for some users when exiting the game
  • Fixed a bug which disabled rain effects and ambient occlusion. We are actively looking into fixing other bugs to improve this further
  • Corrected an issue that was causing Steam to re-download the game when verifying the integrity of the game cache through the Steam client
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when turning off Motion Blur in BmSystemSettings.ini. A future patch will enable this in the graphics settings menu

The above are just some of the many issues users reported having in Arkham Knight, and unfortunately for fans of the franchise, the work that remains is "significant," Warner Bros. says. At the same time, Rocksteady is leading a team of developers and partners tasked with fixing the PC experience, and even though there's a fair amount of work left before the game will back on Steam, "good progress" is being made.

If you're wondering what exactly Rocksteady and its team of bug killers are working on, here you go:

  • Support for frame rates above 30FPS in the graphics settings menu
  • Fix for low resolution texture bug
  • Improve overall performance and framerate hitches
  • Add more options to the graphics settings menu
  • Improvements to hard drive streaming and hitches
  • Address full screen rendering bug on gaming laptop
  • Improvements to system memory and VRAM usage
  • NVIDIA SLI bug fixes
  • Enabling AMD Crossfire
  • NVIDIA and AMD updated drivers

Pretty much everything, in other words. While we don't know how long it will take to fix the game for Windows PCs, Steam currently says the title "will be available on SteamOS, Linux, and Mac in Fall of 2015."

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